Eric Jennings
1 min readFeb 13, 2018


I call my made up imaginationary magick The First Church of the Final Appropriation because I steal freely from any and all traditions. Spiritual anarchy dictates that all beings are inherently divine regardless of learning, initiation or tradition and it rejects all forms of spiritual dogma. The keys to the kingdom are laying visibly on the mat.

Cultural appropriation is avoided by never pretending to be anything other than what I am. I may borrow someone else’s symbols or mythology but I don’t copy or imitate their rituals or practices and I never appropriate an artifact.*)

* I make an exception for the occasional Christian artifact, particularly Roman Catholic, because in addition to being my birth right that’s like stealing from the very rich.



Eric Jennings

he/him, dilettante, poet, invocateur, acccidental yogi and dabbler in patamysticism which is the spiritual branch of pataphysics.